New Accurate Logo Placement Tool, Feedback Tab Updates, and More! - Axomo

This month brought in several major updates that we’re excited to share with you. Here are just a few of the biggest updates that you should know about that will help you get the most out of your AXOMO store.

New Product Design Tool For Accurate Logo Placement

“How do I make sure my logo will be printed exactly in the center chest based on my design? “

“How can I easily add items with logos on the left chest without having to manually drag and drop my logo on all items?” 

With our new product design tool, these questions are officially answered! Some of you may have already noticed that items have a new “logo position” selection that automatically places your logo perfectly in the left chest, centered, and other common decoration areas. Don’t worry – if you liked the previous method of placing your logo in a custom position and dragging it to your preferred size, the “custom” option still exists for custom artwork placements.

This was a requested feature that we’re excited to announce is live on all new items and will be implemented across the board for all items on our catalog over the next few weeks.

Feedback Tab Improvements – New Notification Center

Do you have an event coming up, a new campaign, or some other announcement that you’d like users to see when they log in to your store?

With our new notification center feature, you’ll be able to improve communication with your users and keep them in the loop about current events and promotions. You can target specific users if you need to reach out to them about store credit, a pending order, etc. or set a storewide announcement for all users.

To add a new notification, log in to the admin panel and go to Users > Notifications. You’ll also see AXOMO announcements from our team from time to time, so be sure to pay attention to the notification center and utilize this feature if you need to communicate with your users!

Network With Other Admins – Join Our Facebook AXOMO Community Group 

Want to connect with other AXOMO admins, generate new ideas, and share tips and tricks on getting the most out of your store? Join our Facebook networking group! We’ll have weekly prompts and share articles and inspiration on how to improve employee engagement, trending corporate apparel and promo ideas, and more.

Click here to join and become a part of our store admin community, we’d love to have you join the conversation!

Swap Logos Instantly With Vector Files Or Alternate Images


Vector logo files are required for most production types, but what should you do if you’ve already designed items on your store with a non-vector file? Our new vector image tool lets you instantly swap non-vector logo files with a production-ready vector logo (.ai, .eps, and .pdf file types are all acceptable).

This is found under any logo you’ve uploaded to the logo manager within the admin panel, simply click on the gear icon next to the logo and click “add vector image”.

No Minimum Product Category

Our on-demand (no minimum) category on our product catalog is growing every day, which plenty of items you can design and offer on your store for instant ordering. We’ve added a few new electronic items in the last few weeks, so be sure to check them out if you’re looking for some trending corporate gift ideas.

API Connections With Employee Rewards Programs

We’ve recently increased our capabilities in our API connections with more in-depth integration available for popular employee rewards platforms, as well as single sign-on (SSO) programs. If you’re interested in integrating your current platforms with AXOMO, feel free to reach out and we’d be happy to help.

What’s Coming Soon

– New User Product Request System: To make things easier for admins to add new items to their store and give users even more of a voice in the branded apparel options they have, we’ll be making changes to our product request system.

In the near future, users will have limited access to the product catalog (and only use logos approved by admins) to design items and submit them to the store admin for approval. The admin would then set pricing information and set up the item as usual, or would have the option to deny the request. This is a great new opportunity on the way to help get your employees/organization members more involved with your brand!

– Mass Markup On Store Items: We’ll soon be implementing a feature that will allow admins to set a standard markup on all items in a certain category or storewide. This is another feature requested by several of our users and we’re excited to be rolling this out in the next few weeks.

– International Distribution Options: Our international distribution options have been expanding, stay tuned to learn how our new distribution options may benefit your store.

As always, thank you for submitting your feedback, inspiring others with your product ideas, and having an awesome user base to consistently improve AXOMO and the products/services we offer. Let us know what you think of this month’s updates on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter!