Blog - Axomo


New AXOMO Homepage, Payroll Deduction Feature, and Other Great Updates

New AXOMO Homepage, Payroll Deduction Feature, and Other Great Updates

New Homepage Website Update We recently updated our website to further our capabilities in providing great content for you and your team to better manage your company swag stores. Keep an eye out for new pages and tutorials that will help you get the most out of your...

Admin Panel Gets a Facelift, New Item Design Options, and More

Admin Panel Gets a Facelift, New Item Design Options, and More

This month brought more updates to get the most out of your store that we're excited to share with you. These updates were designed to help improve communication on order status between admins and users, provide a better backend experience for admins, and more.  ...

Going Virtual With Your Event? Take a Page Out of VRC’s Playbook

Going Virtual With Your Event? Take a Page Out of VRC’s Playbook

Right now, most businesses are adapting and speculating daily to safely thrive in the wake of COVID-19.  As much as we'd all like to race forward and forget this global challenge, the more probable outlook is that we're in for a marathon. What can we learn from each...

3D Embroidery Options, Supporting Images, and Other Updates

3D Embroidery Options, Supporting Images, and Other Updates

This month has brought some great updates and improvements to old features, new supporting images, and more. We're grateful for your feedback and help in advocating for the features and updates that our admins will find the most beneficial. If you have a feature or...

Production Updates, Beta Testing New Admin Panel, and Other Updates

Production Updates, Beta Testing New Admin Panel, and Other Updates

Before we head into this month's updates, we just want to express our gratitude for our employees, our clients, and those that are working to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and provide essential products and services.  Thank you for supporting us and each other as we...

The Power of Choice

The Power of Choice

A SHORT STORY OF SWAG I arrived at my first full-time position after graduating from college with excitement and anticipation ready for this new chapter to begin. It wouldn’t be a first day without various onboarding essentials such as new passwords, signing...

Keeping Corporate Culture Alive While Working Remotely

Keeping Corporate Culture Alive While Working Remotely

As more companies adapt to work-from-home policies in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, there's an even greater need to understand one of the biggest hurdles associated with remote work. Prior to the current state we're in, 20% of the global remote workforce felt...